Are you interested in trying nude yoga but can’t find a class near you?
Are you at the beginning of your nudie journey and not yet comfortable practising in a group?
Have you been wanting to join my in-person classes but live too far away?
Book in and receive private online classes from the comfort of your own home.
Your yoga package will be specifically created to meet your level of yoga and be focused on your personal needs.
– Want to become more flexible or strong?
– Want to find relief from back pain?
– Do you sit all day at work and need motivation to move your body?
– Are you here to heal your relationship with your body?
All of this and more is possible.

– feel more comfortable and less self-conscious.
– your personal needs and goals are being met.
– not having to leave your home for classes.
– you never have to worry about what to wear 😉
– classes are personally tailored to your level of fitness and limits.
– you get 100% of the teacher’s attention.
– you can be naked in the comfort of your own home.
– nude yoga helps boost self-confidence and self-love.
– nude yoga allows you to reconnect with your body in a more empowered way.

The best thing about private online classes is that YOU are the main focus.
Your package is personally created for exactly what you want to achieve.
What do YOU want to work on?
– flexibility.
– strengthening.
– exercise or weight loss.
– injury recovery.
– lower back pain.
– sciatica.
– self love & self care.
– body acceptance & confidence.
– conscious movement.
– reconnect to your body in a loving way.

I have been teaching nude yoga since January 2020 with a passionate focus on self-love, self-acceptance, empowerment and liberation.
I don’t just guide you through a yoga class, I take you on a journey.
A beautiful exploration of what it means to be living in and moving your glorious body.
Movement really is medicine.
Practising nude yoga has been an important tool for me to be able to quieten my mind, reconnect to my body in a self-honouring way and heal my body image struggles.
Whether you just want the yoga or you are feeling called to do the deeper work, I will be by your side supporting and guiding you through exactly what you need.
Your InvestmenT
Sessions are 60 – 90 minutes long and include warm-up, flow, cool down and Shavasana meditation. Prices are in Australian dollars.
60 minutes.
Single $89
Couple $119
90 minutes.
Single $109
Couple $139

Create your own cusTom packAge
How often.
How long (sessions).
Length (how many sessions).
Style of yoga.
Set your goals and intentions.
Individual or couple.
Let’s create the most suitable package for your needs.